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Promoting the neighbourhood initiatives

The promotion of neighbourhood initiatives is a structural policy intended to strengthen local commerce, to boost the economic output and to reinforce the inner cohesion of the various neighbourhoods. The aim is to improve the economic and social situation in the neighbourhoods.

The ERDF programme will support the following neighbourhood initiatives in 2009-2011: Gröpelinger Marketing e. V., Kultur vor Ort, the marketing of the Neustadt neighbourhood via WIR-Neustadt-Bremen e. V., and the marketing of the Hemelingen neighbourhood via Wir Hemelinger e.V. A decision to extend the work of the Neighbourhood Initiatives by a further year, i.e. until the end of 2012, has already been taken.

In addition to PR work, the initiatives will engage in various campaigns and put on both minor and major neighbourhood-related events. Examples include the following: Gröpelinger Sommer alternating with Weserwege and Feuerspuren in Gröpelingen; the commercial show in Hemelingen; or Neustadt bewegt dich, Summer Sounds, Piepe-Leuchten and Adventskalender in Neustadt.

The neighbourhood initiatives provide information about their activities and events via their websites:

Follow the link to see the slideshow: Follow the link to see the slideshow (pdf, 5.8 MB)


Area of impact: Place of implementation Total project volume (ERDF Programme): of which public-sector funding: of which ERDF funding:
City of Bremen (Gröpelingen, Hemelingen, Neustadt neighbourhoods)City of Bremen (Gröpelingen, Hemelingen, Neustadt neighbourhoods)1.140.000€1.140.000€570.000€[

[LISTE Contact:

Mr Markus Haacke

Ministry of Economics, Labour and Europe
Division 11

Zweite Schlachtpforte 3,
D-28195 Bremen

++49 421 361 8881
++49 421 496 8881

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